
Wednesday, July 24, 2024

When She Heard About Jesus

"...she came up behind Him in the crowd and touched His cloak..."
Mark 5:27

Have you heard about Jesus? The woman with the debilitating issue of blood (Mark 5:25-34) surely did. 

This woman suffered with massive "bleeding for 12 years" (v .25). She "spent all of her money on doctors and they couldn't help her...instead of getting better, she grew worse" (v.26). 

"When she heard about Jesus" (v. 26) she had a choice. In her frail, sickly condition she could push through the crowds and not let anything, or anyone get between her and Jesus. She knew she would have to go into a crowd where people could judge her, or she could fall into that comparison trap or hear the destructive gossip of her neighbors. Maybe she would be held back by the lies of the enemy telling her not to go to Jesus for help. She might be intimidated by the fear of opinions of others, or by any of the other worldly influences of the noisy crowd.

God gave her a gift of faith; she made a compelling decision by humbling herself and wanting to be healed by Jesus. What people thought of her didn't matter. She had her eyes fixed on Jesus and wanted to get close enough to Him to touch His garment. She would push through crowds to get close enough to Jesus to touch Him so she could be healed. She believed He was telling the truth to the multitudes during His three- year ministry on earth!

"When she heard about Jesus, she came up behind Him in the crowd and touched His cloak, because she thought, 'If I just touch His clothes, I will be healed.' Immediately her bleeding stopped, and she felt in her body she was freed from her suffering. At once Jesus realized the power had gone out from Him. He turned around in the crowd and asked, 'Who touched My clothes?' Then the woman, knowing what happened to her, came and fell at His feet and, trembling with fear told the whole truth. He said, 'Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering" (vv. 27-30, 31-34)

Yes! Instantly, He redeemed her and a supernatural transformation took place. Oh, the life-giving, restoring, healing, saving, refreshing, redeeming power of the blood of Jesus is infinite. When He calls us He transforms us from spiritual death to spiritual life; our old self dies and we're a new creation! "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come; the old has gone, the new is here" (2 Corinthians 5:17)! 

You know, just like that woman we have a choice, too, when we hear about Jesus. But what do we do? Turn our backs on Him because we don't see our need of a Savior? We don't want to change. We're too busy? Or in unbelief say, "He can't help me!"

Or do we want our lives transformed and revived? Do we want to overcome our personal issues or live with lies? Do we want to believe He is who He says He is?

You know, we too, can push through the crowd made up of the devil's lies, the comparison trap and addiction of social media, seeking celebrity status, idolatry, gossip, envy, jealousy, selfish, worldliness, fear of man, pride, unforgiveness, and unbelief! All of these things keep us from getting close to Jesus. Right?

So as the body of Christ, what if we humble ourselves and ask God to help us push through the worldly crowd of distractions that is keeping us from being close to Jesus? What if we begin to intentionally study Scripture, learn to pray faithfully and fervently, instead of coming up with excuses why we don't spend devotional time with Him? Do you believe there will be a transformation in each of us? Maybe our priorities and desires will change to glorify God? Maybe a Holy Spirit-driven passionate, close relationship will develop with Jesus and we will refuse to let anything or anyone crowd out our time, talents, and treasures of our hearts given only to Jesus!  

That dear woman "heard about Jesus" believing the truth: His blood was her cure. She was lavished with God's grace (Ephesians 1:7) because she pushed through the crowds of people-pleasing distractions to get close to Jesus.

Whew. Lavished. Redeemed. Saved. Healed. Peace. Love. Freedom. Jesus.
---Copyright 2022 by Polly Balint, NURTURE, pg. 67.


This devotional message is found in my 4th book, NURTURE. The link to Amazon for all of my books is in the sidebar on the right of this page. 

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